function readOnly(count){ }
Starting November 20, the site will be set to read-only. On December 4, 2023,
forum discussions will move to the Trailblazer Community.
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SriRamya BeramSriRamya Beram 

Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong: You don't have permissions to install AppExchange packages in your Developer Edition org. You'll need to edit your permissions so that you can install the AppExchange package.

NagendraNagendra (Salesforce Developers) 
Hi Ramya,

Salesforce administrators and users with the “Download AppExchange
packages” permission can install AppExchange apps.
Please check the above permission for your profile.

If you have the required permission may I suggest you please double check the following steps:
  1. First login to Appexchange with your main account (ie. not sandbox).
  2. Find the app you want to install in sandbox and click the "Get it now"
  3. You will be asked if you want to install the app in Production or Sandbox
  4. Choose sandbox and you will be automatically redirected to the
  5. Enter in your Salesforce sandbox credentials
  6. Now just follow on screen instructions
Hope this helps.

Please mark this as solved if it's resolved so that it gets removed from the unanswered queue which results in helping others who are encountering a similar issue.
