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Shrey Tyagi
Test Class for Apex Invocable with Inactive process flow- Please help
Hi Everyone,
I have a situation in which I am trying to push an apex invocable code (used by a process builder) in production . Now the process flow gets deployed as inactive flow . So in order to get coverage for my apex invocable , I am using following test class to fire the invocable . Important lines are marked in bold. Now when I run this , it does not throw any error and says 0/0 methods passed. Can someone please help me with this?
///////////////////Test Class//////////////////////////////
private class CanInvocableHelperTest {
@testSetup static void setup1() {
Id currentUser = UserInfo.getUserId();
Opportunity opp = TestUtil.setupTestData();
opp.StageName = 'Closed Won';
opp.Sub_Stage__c = 'Awarded';
opp.Qty_of_CANs_Required__c = 1;
update opp;
//Updating Opportunity creates 1 can record.
//Retrive the related CAN record using SOQL.
CAN__c theCan = [SELECT Opportunity__c,Contract_Manager__c,Status__c,Awarded_Project__c FROM CAN__c Where Opportunity__c =:opp.Id];
theCan.Contract_Manager__c = currentUser;
theCan.Status__c='CP Setup';
List<Id> TestCanIdList= new List<Id>();
// Change status to simulate process flow firing mechanism.As process flow is inactive.
update theCan;
//calling invocable method here with can id
///////////////////Invocable apex class////////////////////////////
public class CreateProjectRecord{
public static void ProjectRecordCreateMethod(List<Id> CanIds)
//Logic here
I have a situation in which I am trying to push an apex invocable code (used by a process builder) in production . Now the process flow gets deployed as inactive flow . So in order to get coverage for my apex invocable , I am using following test class to fire the invocable . Important lines are marked in bold. Now when I run this , it does not throw any error and says 0/0 methods passed. Can someone please help me with this?
///////////////////Test Class//////////////////////////////
private class CanInvocableHelperTest {
@testSetup static void setup1() {
Id currentUser = UserInfo.getUserId();
Opportunity opp = TestUtil.setupTestData();
opp.StageName = 'Closed Won';
opp.Sub_Stage__c = 'Awarded';
opp.Qty_of_CANs_Required__c = 1;
update opp;
//Updating Opportunity creates 1 can record.
//Retrive the related CAN record using SOQL.
CAN__c theCan = [SELECT Opportunity__c,Contract_Manager__c,Status__c,Awarded_Project__c FROM CAN__c Where Opportunity__c =:opp.Id];
theCan.Contract_Manager__c = currentUser;
theCan.Status__c='CP Setup';
List<Id> TestCanIdList= new List<Id>();
// Change status to simulate process flow firing mechanism.As process flow is inactive.
update theCan;
//calling invocable method here with can id
///////////////////Invocable apex class////////////////////////////
public class CreateProjectRecord{
public static void ProjectRecordCreateMethod(List<Id> CanIds)
//Logic here
Change this:
@testSetup static void setup1()
to this:
static void testMethod setup1()
Then rerun the test.
All Answers
Change this:
@testSetup static void setup1()
to this:
static void testMethod setup1()
Then rerun the test.