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Danielle DawsonDanielle Dawson 

Building a custom home page

HI, I have tried to build a custom home page to complete the task

each time i check to see if complete  it shows no as none available when i have completed the below

Action LabelNameNamespace PrefixDescriptionTypeCreated ByLast Modified By
Edit | Del New Home PageNew_Home_Page  Home PageDDaws, 13/06/2017 10:30DDaws, 13/06/2017 10:30
Edit | Del Sales Home pageSales_Home_page  Home PageDDaws, 13/06/2017 10:33DDaws, 13/06/2017 10:33

plesae can you advise?
Rahul KumarRahul Kumar (Salesforce Developers) 
Hi Daniella Dawson,

may I request you to please share the screenshot of error so that we can look into it and solve accordingly? 

Best Regards
Rahul Kumar
Danielle DawsonDanielle Dawson
Hi Rahul good morning this is the error message I get when I check the challenge [cid:image001.png@01D2E4E8.DDE25930] as you can see I have tried twice with different wording to see if that would solve it [cid:image002.png@01D2E4E8.DDE25930] thanks Danielle
Wahid BuhariWahid Buhari
Page name should be Sales Home(API: Sales_Home) instead of  Sales Home page. 
Change your page name and try again.
Danielle DawsonDanielle Dawson
Hi I have amended as requested and when I check the challenge I still get an error message [cid:image001.png@01D2E5BB.D68B8AC0] [cid:image002.png@01D2E5BB.D68B8AC0] I’m now fast losing interest on this not being user friendly thanks Danielle
Wahid BuhariWahid Buhari
@Danielle Have you changed API name also? could you share screenshot of what error you are getting?