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Sum of an opportunity amount field on a custom object help required.
Because I can't use a roll up summary field how would I get the Sum of Opportunities FIeld Amount on to a Custom Object?
Because I can't use a roll up summary field how would I get the Sum of Opportunities FIeld Amount on to a Custom Object?
Trigger updateSum on Opportunity <after insert, after update, after delete, after undelete>{
List<Opportunity > newRecords =;
List<Opportunity > oldRecords =
if(trigger.isInsert || trigger.isUndelete){
Set<Id> cObjectId = new Set<Id>();
for(Opportunity newRecord : newRecords){
if(newRecord.amount != null){
if(!cObjectId.isEmpty() ){
List<cObject__c> cObjects =[select id, sumAmount__c, (select Id, Amount from Opportunities WHERE Amount != null) from cObject__c Where ID IN : cObjectId];
List<cObject__c> coToupdate = new List<cObject__c>();
if(cObjects != null){
for(cObject__c co : cObjects){
for(opportunity o : cObjects.Opportunitnies){
co.sumAmount__c += o.Amount;
update coToUpdate;
The object ID is 01I0l0000004PNl
The object name is Commissions
Opportunity {Amount} field to map to Commission Object Field {Settled Loan Value}