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Nina GonzalezNina Gonzalez 

How to update a date field on Obj 2 when the date field changes on Obj 1

I am trying to use Process Building to update a date field on a custom object, based on the date field being updated on another custom object. Have tried several methods and they do not work.

By the way, right now we have a formula field to update the date field, and it works. But formula fields do not appear when in edit mode, so it is a major inconvenience to our customer support team.

I tried using Process as either "Conditions are met: when the field is changed" or when the "Formual evaluates to true, using the "ischanged" formula". Also tried to update the field from Obj 1 or from Obj 2 (since I have a formula field on Obj 2). Tried doing an update as a Reference and as a Formula But the process building will not update the date field on Obj 2 when the date field is changed on Obj 1.

Any suggestions?
Nitin SharmaNitin Sharma
Hi Nina,

Create relation b/w two objects. I created process builder on account object and update date field on contact object.
Account having 'Allocation date' date field and contact having 'Birthday' date field. When allocation date changes  process builder change birthday on contact.
Change process builder according to your req. by field and object name.
User-added imageUser-added image

And activate process builder.
Let me know if you need any clearification.

Nitin Sharma
Hi Nina,
I am assuming your user wants to have this field shown on page-layout. But if you just want to fatch the value of Obj1's Datefield on Obj2's Datefield then formula field works fine.
But however, if users wants to see it on pagelayout then below workflow might be helpful.

Create a workflow on Object 2.
Criteria = fire this workflow when Date field on object 2 is blank 

Field Update with Formuls = Object1.DateFIeld 

This way when user enters record on obj2, and leaves date field blank it updates automatically.
But if user enters value on this field then workflow won't fire. 
Nina GonzalezNina Gonzalez
Thanks Govind Guru, yes I want the field shown on page-layout. but the date field on obj2 will not be blank. It needs to be populated upon create and updated when the date field on obj1 is updated. It is easier to populate it on create because I can easily add it to my conversion script. But I need a way to update it. When the date field on obj 1 is updated, obj 2 should be updated. Both fields have the same value. Thanks for your help.
Was just curious.. If Date field on Obejct2 is always be same as Date field of Object1 then why do we need to have to show as in editable mode?
Nina GonzalezNina Gonzalez
It is so users can see this field when it is in edit mode. I think I found a way around it. I am making the field editable on Obj 2 and read only on Obj 1. For some reason the process builder will update the field from Obj 2 to Obj1, but not the other way.
Hello Nina,

I have came accross very similar situation and founded very closed solution.
Please refer this link:

Basically you can create a custom button on related list of parent object from where you create it's child.
Now, once you click that button, the child records borns/pops with parent object field.
Hope this helps!