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Brandon SowersBrandon Sowers 

Different error on Approval exercise: "No applicable approval process was found."


I'm on the exervise for Customizer How Records Get Approved With Approvals.

I'm getting the followng error when I try to submit: 
Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong: 
There was an unexpected error in your org which is preventing this assessment check from completing: System.DmlException: Process failed. First exception on row 0; first error: NO_APPLICABLE_PROCESS, No applicable approval process was found.: []

I have the correct values in the Type picklist, I have the approver set to myself, I have the three workflow actions to update the Type field. The final approval unlocks the record. The approval process is named Approve New Account and is active. Any ideas?
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Best Answer chosen by Brandon Sowers
SandhyaSandhya (Salesforce Developers) 
Hi Brandon Sowers,

I solved this by removing the Entry Criteria. It said that a criteria won't required, but it actually fails if one is present.

Hope this helps you!

Please accept my solution as Best Answer if my reply was helpful. It will make it available for other as the proper solution. 

Thanks and Regards

All Answers

SandhyaSandhya (Salesforce Developers) 
Hi Brandon Sowers,

I solved this by removing the Entry Criteria. It said that a criteria won't required, but it actually fails if one is present.

Hope this helps you!

Please accept my solution as Best Answer if my reply was helpful. It will make it available for other as the proper solution. 

Thanks and Regards
This was selected as the best answer
Brandon SowersBrandon Sowers
This totally worked. Thanks!
raymond wangraymond wang
It works for me as well! thanks a lot!
Rahul lachoriyaRahul lachoriya
Hi Sandhya,

Could you please elobrate little more on "I solved this by removing the Entry Criteria. It said that a criteria won't required, but it actually fails if one is present." since i am having the same issue. 

Error : "Error element myRule_5_A1 (FlowActionCall).
No applicable approval process was found.


Mohd Arif 5Mohd Arif 5
Where can i find the entry criteria ?

Mohd Arif
Sagar Nagvekar 29Sagar Nagvekar 29
If you are calling the approval process from a flow, then while calling the approval process using "Submit for Approval" core action, in the field "Approval Process Name Or ID", the API name should be specified of the approval process. By default the flow sometimes adds a merge field around this, which gives any one of the below three errors :-
1. Your user is not allowed to submit this WO for approval.
2. The process was invalid or didn't meet the required criteria.
3. No applicable approval process was found.
Merge field should NOT be specified :- Approval Process Name Or ID = {!Approval_process_for_new_account_addition}
Only API name of the approval process should be specified :- Approval Process Name Or ID = Approval_process_for_new_account_addition