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Janina MartinJanina Martin 

Process Builder/NPSP: System.LimitException: npsp:Too many DML rows: 10001

I am a system administrator for a non profit client using only the toolbox for development of Salesforce (I am not a developer, apex coder, etc).

I have written a process that creates new recurring donations when a new subscription is passed to Salesforce from Recurly (my client's online subscription and payment system). The process worked fine when donors were signing up onesy twosy over several weeks time. However, this error began to throw when the process tried to create new recurring donations in large numbers during my client's pledge drive:

Failed to process batch for class 'npsp.RD_RecurringDonations_BATCH' for job id '7073600001Gjdeb'
caused by: System.LimitException: npsp:Too many DML statements: 151
Class.npsp.TDTM_TriggerHandler.processDMLWithRollback: line 222, column 1
Class.npsp.TDTM_TriggerHandler.processDML: line 207, column 1 line 72, column 1
Class.npsp.TDTM_TriggerHandler.runClass: line 169, column 1 line 101, column 1
Trigger.npsp.TDTM_Opportunity: line 34, column 1

To solve it, I thought I would reduce the number of Opportunity Forecast months from 12 to 3 for open opportunities under open-ended recurring donation settings in NPSP. However, when I tried to change the number this error throws on the screen:

Visualforce Error
System.LimitException: npsp:Too many DML rows: 10001
Error is in expression '{!saveSettings}' in component <apex:commandButton> in page npsp:stg_panelrd: (npsp)
An unexpected error has occurred. Your solution provider has been notified. (npsp)

The org I support does not pay for technical support with Salesforce so I'm hoping someone in the community can help me figure out how to deal with this.

Thanks so much!
Best Answer chosen by Janina Martin
Shalom RubdiShalom Rubdi
Hey Janina - unfortunately there is not much that you personally can do about this.  Primarily because this appears to be an issue with a custom button in Salesforce's Non Profit Starter Pack (NPSP).  Basically the system is getting overloaded with the request to create (or update) more than 10,001 records at a time when that button is clicked.

Because this is in the NPSP, consider reaching out to your Non-Profit Success Manager at Salesforce who might be able to get the issue reviewed by their development team.  They can then assess if the record edits can be made via batch Apex, which is intended for updating large data sets.

All Answers

Shalom RubdiShalom Rubdi
Hey Janina - unfortunately there is not much that you personally can do about this.  Primarily because this appears to be an issue with a custom button in Salesforce's Non Profit Starter Pack (NPSP).  Basically the system is getting overloaded with the request to create (or update) more than 10,001 records at a time when that button is clicked.

Because this is in the NPSP, consider reaching out to your Non-Profit Success Manager at Salesforce who might be able to get the issue reviewed by their development team.  They can then assess if the record edits can be made via batch Apex, which is intended for updating large data sets.
This was selected as the best answer
Janina MartinJanina Martin
Hello Shalom,
Thank you so much for your insight. I will reach out to NPSP within SF and see if there is something they can do to alleviate. I appreciate your help!
