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James Boutel 10James Boutel 10 

Deploying into production from a sandbox using Professional Edition?

Hi everyone!

I've been doing a lot of basic config in a Salesforce Professional Edition Sandbox, now I need to deploy this config to the Production org. Normally I would do this through change sets, but I've just realised Professional Edition doesn't have access to change sets. I am also aware that Professional Edtion orgs don't have access to Metadata API, so I cannot use the migration tool or Eclipse. How else can I deploy into Production??

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!

hi james
There are a number of things to consider when deploying to a PE org. The main considerations are; you must deploy a managed package that has passed security review and not make use of any features that are from EE.
Hope this helps,
Mark it solve if it hepls you :)
James Boutel 10James Boutel 10
Could you ellaborate on what you mean by "deploy a managed package that has passed security review" - How would I go about this?
UC InnovationUC Innovation
Hi James,

Are you sure you have a professional edition sandbox? Only Enterprise and Unlimited editions should have access to any sandboxes.

I would check what sandbox you're referring to and see if it really is from your professional edition production org.