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wan sing tan 2wan sing tan 2 

If anyone know if we can use 3DES (Triple Data Encryption Standard) in Salesforce/Apex?

i would like to encrypt on field by using 3DES algorithm. Is anyone know how to do it?
Can anyone share or give me some advice on this?

Please help.

NagendraNagendra (Salesforce Developers) 
Hi Wan,

3DES is a way to reuse DES implementations, by chaining three instances of DES with different keys. 3DES is believed to still be secure because it requires 2^112 operations which is not achievable with foreseeable technology. 3DES is very slow especially in software implementations because DES was designed for performance in hardware.

Please check below post for similar issue.
For better resources check here

Please mark this as best answer if it helps.

Best Regards,