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Limits on Refreshing a Visualforce Page

Hi All,

I have a Visualforce page with several charts done with Google Visualization API and some SOQL Queries. We want to have this page in a monitor in the office to have Live Data from Salesforce.

My question is, Can I use a Meta tag to refresh the page once every hour for example? Or would I hit any governor Limit?

Thanks in advance
Best Answer chosen by Joaquin_tegui
UC InnovationUC Innovation
Hi Joaquin,

You shouldn't have any problem with that, since each refresh is a new Apex transaction. If you're not hitting a governor limit when you initially load the page, then you probably won't hit it on a refresh. 


Please choose as best answer if this helped!

All Answers

UC InnovationUC Innovation
Hi Joaquin,

You shouldn't have any problem with that, since each refresh is a new Apex transaction. If you're not hitting a governor limit when you initially load the page, then you probably won't hit it on a refresh. 


Please choose as best answer if this helped!
This was selected as the best answer
Thanks! That's what i thought, I was still afraid to maybe breake something else.