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Saikiran Kolli
Rendered problem
I'm having a student page with status field(drop down)- active , inactive , onhold.
If the status is inactive or onhold it must display activate student button
<apex:commandButton oncomplete="j$('#succToastMsg').text('Student activated successfully, please continue with subjects');j$('.slds-notify_container').show();j$('#stuActModal').addClass('slds-fade-in-open');j$('.slds-backdrop').addClass('slds-backdrop--open');" value="Activate Student" action="{!acticeStudent}" rendered="{(!Student__c.Status__c == 'On Hold') || (!Student__c.Status__c == 'Inactive') && (!inactiveConfirmation) && (!doPaymentConfirmation)}" rerender="op,htt,contSubjsOP" status="status"/>
I written above line but its not working.
If the changed the rerendered to rendered="{!Student__c.Status__c == 'Inactive' && !inactiveConfirmation && !doPaymentConfirmation}" then its working for inactive.
It must also work for onhold status. Please help me.
I'm having a student page with status field(drop down)- active , inactive , onhold.
If the status is inactive or onhold it must display activate student button
<apex:commandButton oncomplete="j$('#succToastMsg').text('Student activated successfully, please continue with subjects');j$('.slds-notify_container').show();j$('#stuActModal').addClass('slds-fade-in-open');j$('.slds-backdrop').addClass('slds-backdrop--open');" value="Activate Student" action="{!acticeStudent}" rendered="{(!Student__c.Status__c == 'On Hold') || (!Student__c.Status__c == 'Inactive') && (!inactiveConfirmation) && (!doPaymentConfirmation)}" rerender="op,htt,contSubjsOP" status="status"/>
I written above line but its not working.
If the changed the rerendered to rendered="{!Student__c.Status__c == 'Inactive' && !inactiveConfirmation && !doPaymentConfirmation}" then its working for inactive.
It must also work for onhold status. Please help me.
{!( ATS_Contracts__c.Revised_Amount_Standard_Contract__c > 150000.00 || ATS_Contracts__c.Revised_Amount_Call_Task_Order__c > 150000 ) && NOT(ISBLANK(ATS_Contracts__c.Contract_Award_Date__c))}
you want this :
{!(Student__c.Status__c == 'Inactive' || Student__c.Status__c == 'On Hold' ) && !inactiveConfirmation && !doPaymentConfirmation}