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How to add tooltips to lightning:input fields?

Is there an easy way to add tooltips to lightning:input fields?  My goal is to have a small lightning:icon wedged right in front of the input field's label, which when you hover over it, displays a tooltip with text from a component attribute, v.hoverText, or some such.  A couple of questions:
Do the new base components support tooltips at all? I tried adding “title=” but I get no-such-attribute error.  I found documentation for a lightning:tooltip tag (, but using it in a component throws a no-such-component error.

I can follow the SLDS documentation to build an icon (without using lightning:icon) and give it a tooltip, but how do I get that icon to be on the same line with the lightning:input field’s label? Do I need fancy css to undo the natural linebreak that occurs between components?


- Randy

sashi pandey 15sashi pandey 15
May be this will help : lightning:helptext