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Build an IoT Integration with Electric Imp - how to get a kit ?


Does anybody know where to get a Electric Imp Developer Kit to complete the trail ?

Already emailed as advised but no answer yet.
NagendraNagendra (Salesforce Developers) 
Hi EmilienGuichard,

Follow these ten simple instructions to get your Electric Imp Developer Kit( online and ready to form the basis for your connected-product development.

After getting the Electric Imp Developer Kit you may start working with the trailhead module as per the instructions given in order to complete the challenge successfully.

Good Luck.

Kindly mark this post as solved if the information help's so that it gets removed from the unanswered queue and becomes a proper solution which results in helping others who are really in need of it.

Best Regards,
Julie WorkmanJulie Workman
In the Intro section of the project there's a section that states 
Hardware: An Electric Imp Developer Kit — to purchase please go to
That page, on the Electric Imp site, has a link stating Purchase impExplorer Kits on Note: Kits will be available beginning December 24th, 2016