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reem sharawyreem sharawy 

Updating team member object on delete method

Hi All

I am trying to update my Team_Member__c object on delete method for account share to change account access for 'read/writte' to 'read' but it's not doing any action on my page
//The Logic for the Delete  the Account Team Member
    if(teamMemberDeleteMap.size() > 0)
        List<AccountTeamMember> accountTeamMemberDeleteList = new List<AccountTeamMember>();
        //Query to the List...
        List<AccountTeamMember> accountTeamMemberList = new List<AccountTeamMember>([Select UserId, TeamMemberRole, Id, AccountId, AccountAccessLevel From AccountTeamMember where AccountId IN : accountIdsSet]);
        List<AccountShare> AccountShareList = new List<AccountShare>([Select UserOrGroupId, AccountId, AccountAccessLevel  From AccountShare where AccountId IN : accountIdsSet]);
        List<Team_Member__c> remainteammemberList = new List<Team_Member__c>([Select Team_Member__c , Account_Access__c, Account__c From Team_Member__c  where Account__c IN : accountIdsSet]);
        for(AccountTeamMember teamMember : accountTeamMemberList)
            //System.debug('The Account Team : '+ teamMember.AccountId+''+teamMember.UserId );
            //For Update....
            if(teamMemberDeleteMap.get(teamMember.AccountId+''+teamMember.UserId) != null)
            for(Team_Member__c  teammemberObject : remainteammemberList )
            teammemberObject.Account_Access__c = 'Read';
        //Deleting the Records...
        if(accountTeamMemberDeleteList.size() > 0)
            upsert remainteammemberList ;
            delete accountTeamMemberDeleteList;