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sales path not visible

i have created a salespath which is assigned to the -Master- Record Type
 As does not have any Record Types of Opportunities
SandhyaSandhya (Salesforce Developers) 

Make sure Sales Path is enabled. From Setup, enter Sales Path Settings in the Quick Find box, then select Sales Path Settings.
Depending on when your Salesforce org was created, you might have default sales paths already created—one for opportunities and one for leads. You can either create a new sales path or modify one of the default sales paths.
If you’re creating a new sales path and your organization uses more than one record type, select which record type the sales path will be for. Each record type can have only one sales path.

Check if you have permissions for record type.

Hope this helps you!

Please mark it as Best Answer if my reply was helpful. It will make it available for other as the proper solution.
Thanks and Regards

Alex C MillsAlex C Mills
I know this is years past, but I came across this problem and the only solution that I found that worked was to switch the license over from platform to CRM. I hope that this is the case for you as well.
Same Problem here. And checked all of the above, still the path is not showing on the Account Level. It still is just shown as simple dropdown rather than as path. 
Cassidy Lujan 6Cassidy Lujan 6
ALSO, each path must be associated with a record type so if you create a path and it's only associated to master: you may have issues with it showing when multiple record types are present
sunitha Rajagopalansunitha Rajagopalan
Have you added the "Path" component to the page layout?
Yadhu Krishnan SYadhu Krishnan S
Thanks, @sunitha that worked
Peter WillisPeter Willis
Navigate to Setup, then type "Path" in the Quick Find Box. This will show Path Settings. After selecting the Path Setting, select Enable. Then choose whether the path remembers its previous state by ( selecting Remember User's Path Preferences