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Formula to calculate percentage complete on checkboxes

Hi, I'm trying to calculate percentage complete on a case based on checkboxes getting done.
For example, if I have 4 checkboxes to mark on a case that gets me to completion, how do I write a formula field that would say if box 1 checked, 25% completed, if box 2 checked, 50% completed. And, there is no order to the 4 steps, so if the last one is the only box checked, it should still be at 25% complete.
Best Answer chosen by petec@i2isys
Try this 
(If( boxOne__c, 1, 0)+ If( boxTwo__c , 1, 0)+ If( boxThree__c , 1, 0) + If( boxFour__c , 1, 0))/4

with forumla return type Percent 

All Answers

Try this 
(If( boxOne__c, 1, 0)+ If( boxTwo__c , 1, 0)+ If( boxThree__c , 1, 0) + If( boxFour__c , 1, 0))/4

with forumla return type Percent 
This was selected as the best answer
IF( checkbox_1__c = true , 0.25, 0) + IF( checkbox_2__c = true , 0.25, 0,) + IF( checkbox_3__c = true , 0.25, 0,) +IF( checkbox_4__c = true , 0.25, 0,)
try this
let me inform if it helps you
and Mark it best answer so it make proper solution for others :)

Hello Badi and Piyush, thank you for these tips.  They both worked great.  I decided to go with Badi's because that allows me to add more steps and just divide by the number of total steps.  Thanks!