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Cannot fire event from nouislider onchange.
I am trying to fire a lightning event from my nouislider function. It was working a while ago. But now it stopped working all of a sudden.
Below is my lightning component part,
Below is the function that is called after loading nouislider,
But it is showing the following error when i change the slider that is onchange.
Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'fire' of undefined throws at components
That is the line; is throwing error.
Any help would be appreciated
I am trying to fire a lightning event from my nouislider function. It was working a while ago. But now it stopped working all of a sudden.
Below is my lightning component part,
<aura:component controller="shoponklik.LightningCartApexController" implements="force:appHostable,flexipage:availableForAllPageTypes,flexipage:availableForRecordHome,force:hasRecordId,forceCommunity:availableForAllPageTypes" access="global" > <ltng:require styles="/resource/shoponklik__w3,/resource/shoponklik__ecart/jquery.nouislider.min.css" scripts="/resource/shoponklik__ecart/jquery.js,/resource/shoponklik__ecart/jquery.nouislider.all.min.js" afterScriptsLoaded="{!c.callSlider}"/> <style> body{ overflow-x:hidden; overflow-y:auto; } </style> <aura:handler name="init" value="{!this}" action="{!c.itemList}"></aura:handler> <aura:handler event="c:PriceSelectionChange" action="{!c.filter}"/> <aura:handler event="c:SearchKeyChange" action="{!c.filter}"/>
Below is the function that is called after loading nouislider,
callSlider:function(component, event, helper) { var $slider = $("#slider"); var maxProdVal=0; var stepsize=0; var action=component.get("c.getItemList"); action.setCallback(this, function(response){ var state= response.getState(); var tempItems; if (state == "SUCCESS"){ tempItems=response.getReturnValue(); for(var i = 0; i<tempItems.length;i++){ if(response.getReturnValue()[i].item.UnitPrice>maxProdVal) { maxProdVal=response.getReturnValue()[i].item.UnitPrice; if(maxProdVal>=50000){ stepsize=1000; } else if(maxProdVal>=10000 && maxProdVal<50000){ stepsize=500; } else if(maxProdVal>=2000 && maxProdVal<10000){ stepsize=250; } else if(maxProdVal<2000 && maxProdVal>=1000){ stepsize=100; } else{ stepsize=50; } } /*checking discount*/ if(response.getReturnValue()[i].item.shoponklik__Discount__c==null){ tempItems[i].disc='false'; } else { tempItems[i].disc='true'; } } component.set("v.Items",tempItems); $slider.noUiSlider({ start: [0, maxProdVal], connect: true, step: stepsize, range: { 'min': 0, 'max': maxProdVal } }); $slider.Link('lower').to('-inline-<div class="tooltip"></div>', function ( value ) { $(this).html( '<span>' + '₹ '+(value / 1) + '</span>' ); }); $slider.Link('upper').to('-inline-<div class="tooltip"></div>', function ( value ) { $(this).html( '<span>' + '₹ '+(value / 1) + '</span>' ); }); $slider.on({ change: function(event){ var minMax = $slider.val(); component.set("v.minprice",minMax[0]); component.set("v.maxprice",minMax[1]); $A.enqueueAction(action); var myEvent2 = $A.get("e.shoponklik:PriceSelectionChange");; } }); }}); },
But it is showing the following error when i change the slider that is onchange.
Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'fire' of undefined throws at components
That is the line; is throwing error.
Any help would be appreciated