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If we update the Account object description its automatically need to update contact description by using map collection?

Sample program for If we update the Account object description its automatically need to update contact description by using map collection.

Please post the solution,

Thanks in advance
Best Answer chosen by Muni12345
SandhyaSandhya (Salesforce Developers) 

Please refer below sample code.
trigger Crossobjectfieldupdate on Account (after update) 
  if (Trigger.isUpdate)
      Map<Id, Account> updAccs=new Map<Id, Account>();
      for (Account acc :
         Account oldAcc=trigger.oldMap.get(;
         if (acc.Test_Date__c != oldAcc.Test_Date__c)
            updAccs.put(, acc);
       List<Contact> updCon=[select id, accountId, Test_Date__c from contact where accountId in :updAccs.keySet()];
       for (Contact con: updCon)
           Account acc=updAccs.get(con.accountId);
   update updCon;

Hope this helps you!

Please mark it as Best Answer if my reply was helpful. It will make it available for other as the proper solution.
Thanks and Regards


All Answers

SandhyaSandhya (Salesforce Developers) 

Please refer below sample code.
trigger Crossobjectfieldupdate on Account (after update) 
  if (Trigger.isUpdate)
      Map<Id, Account> updAccs=new Map<Id, Account>();
      for (Account acc :
         Account oldAcc=trigger.oldMap.get(;
         if (acc.Test_Date__c != oldAcc.Test_Date__c)
            updAccs.put(, acc);
       List<Contact> updCon=[select id, accountId, Test_Date__c from contact where accountId in :updAccs.keySet()];
       for (Contact con: updCon)
           Account acc=updAccs.get(con.accountId);
   update updCon;

Hope this helps you!

Please mark it as Best Answer if my reply was helpful. It will make it available for other as the proper solution.
Thanks and Regards

This was selected as the best answer
Thank you Sandhya, now i got it..