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Error related to TLS1.0

A change they made in June to prevent TLS1.0 communication is causing an error with an add on app we are testing. We are trying to correct this in the API call. We made change the java program as per the instructions from but continue to get the same error. The api call works against the development org but gives error when pointed to sandbox environment.

INFO 1110 134339.484 Processor0 Calling GmlProcessorExternalData query ERROR 1110 134339.839 Processor0 DX Server:https.protocols is TLSv1.1,TLSv1.2 INFO 1110 134339.839 Processor0 DX Server:Logging into salesforce [ User ID : Password Marlowsf5mRJosnVKDRHve2zU9ZjwBHD1Q] Client ID : Glovia ERROR 1110 134343.781 Processor0 DX Server:Salesforce Login Failure : Error passed from = ; nested exception is: org.xml.sax.SAXException: Invalid element in com.sforce.soap.partner.fault.UnexpectedErrorFault - upgradeURL Credentials : [[ User ID : Password Marlowsf5mRJosnVKDRHve2zU9ZjwBHD1Q]] ERROR 1110 134343.784 Processor0 com.glovia.common.util.DataSyncProvider$SyncException: Salesforce Login Failure : Error passed from = ; nested exception is: org.xml.sax.SAXException: Invalid element in com.sforce.soap.partner.fault.UnexpectedErrorFault - upgradeURL Credentials : [[ User ID : Password Marlowsf5mRJosnVKDRHve2zU9ZjwBHD1Q]] at com.glovia.sync.salesforce.SalesforceConnection.login( at com.glovia.sync.salesforce.Session.setup( at com.glovia.sync.salesforce.Session.query( at com.glovia.sync.salesforce.SalesforceSync.query( at com.glovia.eaccess.gml.GmlProcessorExternalData.process( at com.glovia.eaccess.gml.GmlArray.process( at com.glovia.eaccess.gml.GmlProcessorEntity.processChildrenEx( at com.glovia.eaccess.gml.GmlProcessorTop.process( at com.glovia.eaccess.gml.GmlEngine.process( at com.glovia.eaccess.gml.GmlEngine.parseAndProcessURL( at com.glovia.eaccess.gml.GmlEngine.processAlternateUrl( at com.glovia.eaccess.gml.GmlProcessorInclude.process( at com.glovia.eaccess.gml.GmlArray.process( at com.glovia.eaccess.gml.GmlProcessorEntity.processChildrenEx( at com.glovia.eaccess.gml.GmlProcessorTop.process( at com.glovia.eaccess.gml.GmlEngine.process( at com.glovia.eaccess.gml.GmlEngine.parseAndProcessURL( at com.glovia.eaccess.gml.GmlEngine.processLicensing( at com.glovia.eaccess.gml.GmlEngine.process( at com.glovia.eaccess.dxserver.DXRequestImpl.processGML( at com.glovia.eaccess.dxserver.DXRequestImpl.process( at at INFO 1110 134343.788 Processor0 Error: Salesforce Login Failure : Error passed from = ; nested exception is: org.xml.sax.SAXException: Invalid element in com.sforce.soap.partner.fault.UnexpectedErrorFault - upgradeURL Credentials : [[ User ID : Password Marlowsf5mRJosnVKDRHve2zU9ZjwBHD1Q]]
karthikeyan perumalkarthikeyan perumal

You're likely using an enterprise API client against the partner API endpoint, make sure your requests are going to the enterprise API endpoint.

For Example  : 


/u/11.1 is the partner API For  enterprise API. 

Hope this will helps you. 


Thank you for the reply! This is the response I've received -

Yes it the same API . We cannot use enterprise API  for following reasons
Enterprise WSDL
Strongly typed, the object and its attributes are fixed.
Contains the metadata about all standard and custom fields and objects.
Can only be used against your Salesforce instance.
Partner WSDL
Is loosely typed, the object and its attributes can be variable.
Does not contain metadata about objects and fields. Takes an array of key-value pairs.
Can be used against many organizations.

Any comments on the reply? Thank you

Mayur ChandraMayur Chandra

have you solved this issue? Please share your solution.
Hi Atoups,

We are also trying to connect our ETL application using Datastage.
We connect fine with prod and regular sandboxes, but are unable to connect to a partial copy sandbox.
Let me know if there are other things you tried.