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Need Support with an apex trigger

Hello all, 
I'm trying to build a trigger which updates field in a ralted custom object. 
The objects are:
- EDWPM__ITRQ_Positions__c
   -field: EDWPM__EmpID__c

should be inserted in 

- EDWPM__Hardware_CI__c
  -field: EDWPM__ci_employee__c

after Update.

The trigger shows no syntax errors in developer console, but doesn't do anything. Maybe someone has an idea and can help?
Here is my code so far:
Thx! Rainer
trigger HardwareassignProcess on EDWPM__ITRQ_Positions__c (after update) {

	List<EDWPM__ITRQ_Positions__c> posList = new List<EDWPM__ITRQ_Positions__c>();
    for(EDWPM__ITRQ_Positions__c pos : posList){

     if(trigger.newMap.get(pos.Id).EDWPM__Hardware_CI_dispatching__c != trigger.oldMap.get(pos.Id).EDWPM__Hardware_CI_dispatching__c){
         EDWPM__Hardware_CI__c CI = [SELECT ID from EDWPM__Hardware_CI__c where ID=:pos.EDWPM__Hardware_CI_dispatching__c];
         CI.EDWPM__ci_employee__c = pos.EDWPM__EmpID__c ;   
         update CI;

Best Answer chosen by RainerRichter
Amit Chaudhary 8Amit Chaudhary 8
Please update your code like below
trigger HardwareassignProcess on EDWPM__ITRQ_Positions__c (after update) 

	Set<Id> setHardwareId = new Set<Id>();	
    for(EDWPM__ITRQ_Positions__c pos : )
		if( pos.EDWPM__Hardware_CI_dispatching__c != trigger.oldMap.get(pos.Id).EDWPM__Hardware_CI_dispatching__c )
	if(setHardwareId.size() >0 )
		Map<Id,EDWPM__Hardware_CI__c> mapCI = new Map<Id,EDWPM__Hardware_CI__c>( [SELECT ID,EDWPM__ci_employee__c from EDWPM__Hardware_CI__c where ID in :setHardwareId ] );
		List<EDWPM__Hardware_CI__c> lstHard = new List<EDWPM__Hardware_CI__c>();
		for(EDWPM__ITRQ_Positions__c pos : )
			if( pos.EDWPM__Hardware_CI_dispatching__c != trigger.oldMap.get(pos.Id).EDWPM__Hardware_CI_dispatching__c )
				if( mapCI.containsKey(pos.EDWPM__Hardware_CI_dispatching__c) )
					EDWPM__Hardware_CI__c CI = mapCI.get(pos.EDWPM__Hardware_CI_dispatching__c);
					CI.EDWPM__ci_employee__c = pos.EDWPM__EmpID__c ; 
		if(lstHard.size() > 0)
			update lstHard;

Let us know if this will help you

All Answers

I forgot to say. It should only update, when the field EDWPM__Hardware_CI_dispatching__c from object EDWPM__ITRQ_Positions__c has changed.
Amit Chaudhary 8Amit Chaudhary 8
Please update your code like below
trigger HardwareassignProcess on EDWPM__ITRQ_Positions__c (after update) 

	Set<Id> setHardwareId = new Set<Id>();	
    for(EDWPM__ITRQ_Positions__c pos : )
		if( pos.EDWPM__Hardware_CI_dispatching__c != trigger.oldMap.get(pos.Id).EDWPM__Hardware_CI_dispatching__c )
	if(setHardwareId.size() >0 )
		Map<Id,EDWPM__Hardware_CI__c> mapCI = new Map<Id,EDWPM__Hardware_CI__c>( [SELECT ID,EDWPM__ci_employee__c from EDWPM__Hardware_CI__c where ID in :setHardwareId ] );
		List<EDWPM__Hardware_CI__c> lstHard = new List<EDWPM__Hardware_CI__c>();
		for(EDWPM__ITRQ_Positions__c pos : )
			if( pos.EDWPM__Hardware_CI_dispatching__c != trigger.oldMap.get(pos.Id).EDWPM__Hardware_CI_dispatching__c )
				if( mapCI.containsKey(pos.EDWPM__Hardware_CI_dispatching__c) )
					EDWPM__Hardware_CI__c CI = mapCI.get(pos.EDWPM__Hardware_CI_dispatching__c);
					CI.EDWPM__ci_employee__c = pos.EDWPM__EmpID__c ; 
		if(lstHard.size() > 0)
			update lstHard;

Let us know if this will help you
This was selected as the best answer
Hello Amit, this works perfect. Great help. Thanks a lot! Rainer