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Priti Lokhande
how to incerese count on trigger and show this wit associated record
hello everyone
I have create trigger on project object and i want to show project record associated wit h contract if i delete inbetween then count should go with next value not with deleted value.
e. contract number : 00000101
project = p-00000101-1
p-00000101-2//if deleted then count is be
p-00000101-3 not p-00000101-2
trigger RollupTriggerrContractProjectCount on Project__C (after insert,after delete){ // RollUpApexClass Handlerclass = new RollUpApexClass(); // Handlerclass.rollupCountMethod(); if(Trigger.isAfter && Trigger.isInsert ){ Integer count=1; System.debug('Inside the Trigger'); list<id> contractId =new list<id>(); for(Project__c ) { system.debug('Inside for loop Row 9'); contractId.add(p1.Contract__c); } list<Contract> updatedContract = new list<contract>(); list<Contract>updatedContractAcc = new list<Contract>([select Id,(select Id from Projects__r)from contract]); for(Contract c1:updatedContractAcc) { system.debug('inside for loop Row 16'); c1.count__c = c1.Projects__r.size(); system.debug('Count of project '+c1.Projects__r.size()); updatedContract.add(c1); } if(count==1 ){ try{ update updatedContract; count++; system.debug('Inserted'+updatedContract); }catch(Exception e){ system.debug('Error'+e); } } } if(Trigger.isAfter && Trigger.isDelete ){
System.debug('Inside the Trigger'); list<id> contractId =new list<id>();
for(Project__c p1:Trigger.old ) { system.debug('Inside for loop Row 37 delete operation'); contractId.add(p1.Contract__c); } list<Contract> updatedContract = new list<contract>(); list<Contract>updatedContractAcc = new list<Contract>([select Id,(select Id from Projects__r)from contract]); for(Contract c1:updatedContractAcc) { system.debug('inside for loop Row 44'); c1.count__c = c1.Projects__r.size(); system.debug('Count of project '+c1.Projects__r.size()); updatedContract.add(c1); } try{ update updatedContract; system.debug('Updated'+updatedContract); }catch(Exception e){ system.debug('Error'+e); }
} }
help for the code
Thank you in advance
I have create trigger on project object and i want to show project record associated wit h contract if i delete inbetween then count should go with next value not with deleted value.
e. contract number : 00000101
project = p-00000101-1
p-00000101-2//if deleted then count is be
p-00000101-3 not p-00000101-2
trigger RollupTriggerrContractProjectCount on Project__C (after insert,after delete){ // RollUpApexClass Handlerclass = new RollUpApexClass(); // Handlerclass.rollupCountMethod(); if(Trigger.isAfter && Trigger.isInsert ){ Integer count=1; System.debug('Inside the Trigger'); list<id> contractId =new list<id>(); for(Project__c ) { system.debug('Inside for loop Row 9'); contractId.add(p1.Contract__c); } list<Contract> updatedContract = new list<contract>(); list<Contract>updatedContractAcc = new list<Contract>([select Id,(select Id from Projects__r)from contract]); for(Contract c1:updatedContractAcc) { system.debug('inside for loop Row 16'); c1.count__c = c1.Projects__r.size(); system.debug('Count of project '+c1.Projects__r.size()); updatedContract.add(c1); } if(count==1 ){ try{ update updatedContract; count++; system.debug('Inserted'+updatedContract); }catch(Exception e){ system.debug('Error'+e); } } } if(Trigger.isAfter && Trigger.isDelete ){
System.debug('Inside the Trigger'); list<id> contractId =new list<id>();
for(Project__c p1:Trigger.old ) { system.debug('Inside for loop Row 37 delete operation'); contractId.add(p1.Contract__c); } list<Contract> updatedContract = new list<contract>(); list<Contract>updatedContractAcc = new list<Contract>([select Id,(select Id from Projects__r)from contract]); for(Contract c1:updatedContractAcc) { system.debug('inside for loop Row 44'); c1.count__c = c1.Projects__r.size(); system.debug('Count of project '+c1.Projects__r.size()); updatedContract.add(c1); } try{ update updatedContract; system.debug('Updated'+updatedContract); }catch(Exception e){ system.debug('Error'+e); }
} }
help for the code
Thank you in advance
Please paste your code in a systematic manner so that community can help you so easily.
Thank You