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Chad Phillips 25Chad Phillips 25 

Perpetual community session?


My company has a Salesforce community.  The business is asking that we make community sessions perpetual.  Meaning, once a customer logs in once, they NEVER need to log in again.  They want thier community sessions to NEVER time out.

Am I correct in saying the closest Salesforce will allow is 24 hours of inactivity and there is no way around that?

Does anyone know of any blog posts are articles explaining why Salesforce uses a max of 24 hours of inactivity?  I understand the security concerns, but need something in writing explaining them (but I can't seem to find them).

Is it correct to say that Salesforce Communities will not allow a perpetual login?

Anyone know of any articles explaining why?

thank you
Best Answer chosen by Chad Phillips 25
VinayVinay (Salesforce Developers) 
Hi Chad,

You can check  "Session Timeout" setting on the community profile level.  However you cannot set it to never as per my understanding.

Check below references that can give more details.

Hope above information was helpful.

Please mark as Best Answer so that it can help others in the future.
