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Sheryl JohnsonSheryl Johnson 

screenflow display cuts off on ipad

Salesforce Support suggested I post here to find a solution to my problem.  I'm not a developer, I'm not writing my own code, I'm just using the Flow Builder in Lightning to create a Screenflow that I want users to launch using a mobile device, specifically an iPad. 

First off, the screenflow works completely as expected on an iPhone.  It also works as expected when launched from the desktop interface.  On an iPad, however, if the screen has more elements than will fit, it automatically takes me to the bottom of the page and will not let me scroll up to see what is at the top.  When I try, it automatically refreshes and sends me to the beginning on the Flow.  (Took me a while to figure out what was happening with that refresh - wow, was that frustrating!!)

I've been able to reformat some of the screens to use columns (which was not an option when I first wrote this Flow!) and get most of it to fit, but there are still situations where that doesn't help, like when the user inputs some search terms and the screen displays a list of records.  That list often is longer than will display and so anybody at the top of the list won't get seen.

I've made sure I'm running the latest version of IOS on the iPad and the latest version of the Salesforce app.  Any ideas?  thanks in advance for your help.