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Chad Phillips 25Chad Phillips 25 

Report on ThirdPartyAccountLink


Does anyone know a way to report or download a list of all ThirdPartyAccountLink?  I tried using Workbench, but can only download 2,500 records and have not been able to figure out how to report on it.

Anyone know how to do that?
thank you
VinayVinay (Salesforce Developers) 
Hi Chad,

I dont think there is option to do.  Try to copy manually from workbench to excel sheet.

Brian Larsen 7Brian Larsen 7
Hi Chad 
Did you found a solution? 

I have the same problem. I tried importing ThirdPartyAccountLink in CRM Analytics but got an error. 

I am trying to find a solution to list all ThirdPartyAccountLink where the user is not active. so that I can revoke the ThirdParty.

I do not get any records when I run SOQL : 
select Id, user.IsActive, user.ContactId, UserId, Handle, RemoteIdentifier, Provider, SsoProviderName from ThirdPartyAccountLink where User.IsActive = false