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How to deactivate an apex trigger when code coverage is at 0%?
We would like to deactivate two apex triggers that are obsolete and are causing issues on our account and preventing us from using the a connector correctly. I went into a Sandbox to create a change set to deactivate these two triggers and made the change set available to production. Unfortunatly when I try to deploy it I am getting errors saying that my coverage is only of 69%. I try to run the fulls tests but am getting errors on things that are completely unrelated. I would really need to deactivate these two apex triggers. How can I proceed?
I noticed the code coverage is at 0% in the sandbox... I don't really understand.
PS- I'm not a developper. The developper who coded this apex trigger has left the company.
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Chloé Canella ,
go to setup and searcg ApexTrigger , then search your trigger name and edit it . You see there is a Checkbox called Active ,Uncheck it.
Mark best Answer if it helps
Thank you
Thanks for your answer My issue is that I cannot do that in production directly. I have to do that from a sandbox, do a change set and then try to deploy the change set. The issue is I'm failing coverage tests when I try to deploy the change set...