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kumar 197kumar 197 

Trigger to Avoid deleting Flights if there are at least 5 associated Bookings

AbhinavAbhinav (Salesforce Developers) 
CHeckn this for reference:

You can have similar solution  changing Api name and >5 for your scenario
trigger AccountContactCheck on Account (before delete) { for (AggregateResult ar : [SELECT accountid, count(id)size FROM contact where accountid in : Trigger.oldMap.keySet() GROUP BY accountid]) if(((integer)ar.get('size'))>0) trigger.oldMap.get((id)ar.get('accountid')).adderror('******* Contact is associated with cant delete account'); }

Suraj Tripathi 47Suraj Tripathi 47
Hi Ashutosh,
please use below approach
trigger flightTrigger on flight__c (before delete){
    if(trigger.isbefore && trigger.isdelete){

public class flightHelper{
 public static void stopDeletionOfFlight(list<flight__c>  list1){
		list<flight__c> flightList = [select id,(select id from bookings__c) from flight__c where id In:list1];
		map<id,list<booking__c>> IdOfFlightToBookingMap = new map<id,list<booking__c>>();
		for(flight__c flObj:flightList){
		for(flight__c flObj:list1){
		if(IdOfFlightToBookingMap.Containskey( && IdOfFlightToBookingMap.get(>4){
		flObj.addError('Can't delete this flight');
catch(Exception e){
        system.debug('Error Message ==>'+e.getMessage() + ' in line number ' + e.getLineNumber());

If you find your Solution then mark this as the best answer.

Thank you!
Suraj Tripathi