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Surender reddy SalukutiSurender reddy Salukuti 

how can i by pass validation rule for one profile ?

Hi all ,

I have one requirement i need to bypass validation rule for one profile using apex class code not trigger how can i do that .
can any one help me on this 


Frederick Wolfe 9Frederick Wolfe 9
Thanks for sharing, I found a lot of interesting information here. A really good post, very thankful and helpful that you will write many more posts like this one.

PrepaidCardStatus (
Andrew GAndrew G
Profile p = [Select Name from Profile where Id =: userinfo.getProfileid()];
String pname =;

the above will pull the profile name for the current user.
Then just do a IF statement around the trigger element you want to skip.

Shubham Raj 29Shubham Raj 29

Hi @Surender reddy Salukuti,

You can add conditions to filter or bypass the logic in this way-

if ( Your Contionditions && !profileName.equals('CLI Broker User')) { 

                // Your Code and Logics


Let me know if this was helpful. If it does, please mark it as Best Answer to help others too.


Shubham Raj