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apex:datail oncomplete and rerender not working in Lightning

I am using a visualforce page with apex:detail on a ligning page layout.  When I cleck the edit button, make changes and click save the detail page does not refress automatically,  If I switch to classic the refresh happens.  Here is my code.
<apex:page id="myPage" standardController="Rel" extensions="ClistController" applyBodyTag="true" lightningStylesheets="true" showHeader="true">
    <apex:form id="slist">
        <apex:commandLink id="clink" value="Refresh"   target="_parent" styleClass="btn"  reRender="detailContainer,clist">
              <apex:param id="cId" value="{!stateDateId}"/>
        <apex:outputPanel id="detailContainer" onclick="refresh();">
              <apex:detail id="clist" subject="{!stateDateId}" relatedList="false" inlineEdit="false"  showChatter="true"  title="false"  rerender="detailContainer,clist" oncomplete="RefreshPage" />
        <apex:actionFunction id="Refresh" action="{!saved}" name="RefreshPage" reRender="detailContainer,clist"  />  