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Carol McConnellCarol McConnell 

Validation rule on multi select picklist

I'm trying to figure out what the formula would be to require one picklist be selected if a certain item in another multi select picklist field is chosen.

I.E.  If Project type which is a multi select picklist contain PG then the PG type picklist field should be required.

Best Answer chosen by Carol McConnell
Hii Carol
Try Below Validation I've Made Changes
AND(ISPICKVAL(Project_Type__c, 'PG'),ISBLANK(PG__c))
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All Answers

Andrew GAndrew G
From help:
Formula Operators and Functions I–Z ( (

INCLUDES(multiselect_picklist_field, text_literal) and replace multiselect_picklist_field with the merge field name for the multi-select picklist; and replace text_literal with the multi-select picklist value you want to match in quotes.

INCLUDES(Hobbies__c, "Golf") returns TRUE if one of the selected values in the Hobbies custom multi-select picklist field is Golf.

So in your case:
INCLUDES(Project_Type__c, "PG")

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Hii Carol
Try Below Validation
AND(INCLUDES(Project_Type__c, 'PG'),ISBLANK(PG__c))
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Thank You!
Carol McConnellCarol McConnell
Neither of the above work.  I get the error that 
Error: Field Project_Type__c is a picklist field. Picklist fields are only supported in certain functions.
Hii Carol
Try Below Validation I've Made Changes
AND(ISPICKVAL(Project_Type__c, 'PG'),ISBLANK(PG__c))
Please Mark It As Best Answer If It Helps
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This was selected as the best answer
Carol McConnellCarol McConnell
My apologies I told you the oposite on the picklist fields.  Project type was a picklist and PG type is a multi picklist.

Thank you so much.