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Mohit Kashyap 14Mohit Kashyap 14 

workflow rule for clone object

So I am using an app exchange package named Record Clone which will clone the opportunity and its related List. So this is working fine. Now my requirement is After cloning the Opportunity stage should be Qualification and there is a checkbox field that should be true
So to achive this I am using Workflow Rule 
My Rule Criteria: If my Formula evaluates to true 
Then I am updating the stage as well as the checbox via a Field Update
Workflow Rule Critera

Updating stage and checkbox field

So this workflow rule is not working..Can someone please help me out.
Zachary SingerZachary Singer
Hi Mohit,
Can you verify that your workflow works if you use the standard Clone button? I don't know the details around how the ISCLONE() function detects cloning, but it may be looking for something other than what the appexchange package is doing. I would suggest ticketing Salesforce support for help on how ISCLONE() works.