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Chang Sun 6Chang Sun 6 

IOS 13 doesn't support third party cookie


We are developing an application that requies to use the third party cookies in IOS 13. Alothough we turn on the 'Allow cross-website tracking' option for the salesforce app, we are still not able to see our app rendering in Salesforce. Looks like it is not supoorted currently in Salesforce mobile app.
I found the article about the third party cookies issue for IOS 12 (  But the link in the article for IOS 13 is invalid. 

Does anyone know anything about third party cookies for IOS13?

Shanny LubowitzShanny Lubowitz
STEP 1: Open Safari
STEP 2: Select “Preferences” in the drop-down menu:                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           
STEP 3: Click “Privacy”
STEP 4: Change which cookies and website data are accepted by selecting the “Cookies and Website Data” option                                                                                                            
STEP 5: Choose between these three options:
Allow from the current website only: Safari accepts cookies and website data only from the website you’re currently visiting. Websites often have embedded content from other sources. Safari does not allow these third parties to store or access cookies or other data.
Allow from websites I visit: Safari accepts cookies and website data only from websites you visit. Safari uses your existing cookies to determine whether you have visited a website before. Selecting this option helps prevent websites that have embedded content on other websites you browse from storing cookies and data on your Mac.
Always allow: Safari lets all websites, third parties, and advertisers store cookies and other data on your Mac.