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Shayne Hudson 29Shayne Hudson 29 

how can I find which items use api version 20 or below?

I tried using SalesForce Optimizer but apparently, it lies to me. It says that we don't have anything using API 20 or below, but I was sent an email from SalesForce that says " Our records show that you have apps using API version 20 or below". Since SalesForce is retiring API 7 - 20.  So how can I find where API 20 or below is being used so I can update it? 
Best Answer chosen by Shayne Hudson 29
Andrew GAndrew G
Some IDEs, like Illuminated Cloud, will allow you to show the metadata.  You could drag down all the org components into the IDE and turn on the 'view metadata' option, but you would still be reduced to trawling through the list.

Apart from that , i'm not sure of a way to elegantly get all the api versions for the various components.


All Answers

Andrew GAndrew G
For Apex Classes:
Go to setup, Apex Class.
Create a new view:
User-added image
Then set a filter as required:
User-added image

Shayne Hudson 29Shayne Hudson 29
Thank you so much! I do know how to check for apex classes. I was just wondering if there were any one place to check for everywhere. The issue is I’m trying to update anything that is api version 7-20 since those will no longer be supported. Do I have to go to all the individual places one-by-one? But also I don’t even know what all the individual places I need to look for are.
Andrew GAndrew G
Some IDEs, like Illuminated Cloud, will allow you to show the metadata.  You could drag down all the org components into the IDE and turn on the 'view metadata' option, but you would still be reduced to trawling through the list.

Apart from that , i'm not sure of a way to elegantly get all the api versions for the various components.

This was selected as the best answer