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Nolan VanNurdenNolan VanNurden 

Is it possible to set up a formula on an object (currency) to run every year on the 31st of December?

I am trying to set up an End of Year formula that runs every year on December 31st. This would be a financial calculation that I would like to run. Any help, tips, or guidance would be greatly appreciated! 
Zachary SingerZachary Singer
Hi Nolan,
Can you provide more information about what the formula needs to do, and the records involved.? Formulas don't run on a specific time frame per se, they are always evaluated based on the current values in the expression. If you only want to consider records in the current calendar year, that may be possible.
Nolan VanNurdenNolan VanNurden
Essentially, I would need Fair Market Values of assets that clients hold. We do this at the end of the year every year. The formula would essentially just be a multiplication formula that of (Asset Quantity * Current Market Value of Asset). I hope this gives you a little bit more information. Really I just need to set up a trigger that would pull in the market value from an API, run the calculation, and then update the record on the account.