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Simran Singh 22Simran Singh 22 

How migrated lightning pages will be available in experince builder in salesforce?

I have migrated the lightning pages from one salesforce org to another. Lightning are not available in experience builder.
VinayVinay (Salesforce Developers) 
Can you share screenshot of same?

Arun Kumar 1141Arun Kumar 1141
Hi Simran,

You must take the following actions in order to make your migrated Lightning pages accessible in Experience Builder in Salesforce:

Make sure the org where you intend to use the transferred Lightning pages has them active and accessible.

Navigate to the App Builder in the org where you want to use the Lightning pages in Experience Builder.

Click the New button to create a new app or edit an existing one.

Drag and drop a Lightning Page component onto the canvas in the App Builder.

Choose the Lightning page you want to utilise from the dropdown menu of possible Lightning pages in the component properties.

Save your modifications, then launch the application.

Navigate to Experience Builder, and create or edit a page.

Drag a Lightning component onto the canvas in the page editor.

In the component properties, select the app you created in step 3 and select the Lightning page you want to use from the drop-down list.

Save the changes and publish the page.

Your migrated Lightning pages should now be available in Experience Builder for use in your Salesforce org.
