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Jewels GutowskiJewels Gutowski 

How to create a report showing Accounts/Opportunities with Video Calls?

How can I create a report that shows Accounts and/or Opportunities with Video Call recordings? When I try to create a custom report type, it does not allow me to select Video Calls as the secondary object.
VinayVinay (Salesforce Developers) 
Hi Jewels,
  • In the report builder, select the report type that includes both Accounts and Opportunities. For example, you can select "Accounts with Opportunities" or "Opportunity with Account" report types based on your preference and Salesforce configuration.
  • Configure the report filters to include Video Calls. The steps for adding filters may vary slightly based on the report type selected, but the general process is as follows:
  • Click on the "Add" button next to Filters or Fields.
  • Choose the field that represents Video Calls in your Salesforce instance. This could be a custom field or a standard field like "Video Call" or "Call Type."
  • Set the filter criteria to select only the records where Video Calls are present. For example, you can set the filter to "Equals" or "Contains" the value "Video Call."
  • Add any additional fields or columns to the report as needed. You may want to include fields like Account Name, Opportunity Name, Opportunity Stage, Video Call Date/Time, etc., to provide more context to the report.
  • Customize the report format, sorting, and grouping based on your preferences.
  • Save the report with an appropriate name, choose the desired folder, and set the report's visibility based on your requirements.
  • Run the report to view the Accounts and Opportunities with Video Calls.
Please mark as Best Answer if above information was helpful.

Jewels GutowskiJewels Gutowski
Thank you for the response. I am still running into an issue because Video Calls is its own object, not a custom or standard field. Is there a way for me to create a new report type of Accounts and Opportunities with Video Calls? When I try to create the new report type, Video Calls is not an option when I select Accounts or Opportunities as the Primary Object and vice versa.