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some users get removed from public group assigned

Some users getting automatically removed from assigned public group.

NO flow/prcoess builder is there on user object.
SwethaSwetha (Salesforce Developers) 
HI Charisma,

There is no native Salesforce functionality that automatically removes users from groups. However, it can either happen within the API, or via a managed package or with triggers. When data is updated unexpectedly, it's typically due to unintentional changes made by users directly, or through indirect client-introduced automation such as workflow, API integration, or Apex.

Related: Records Created, Updated or Deleted Unexpectedly

I'd suggest checking the Setup Audit Trail to view and track the recent setup changes that users make. Setup audit trail displays records of all modifications concerning the administration, customization, security, sharing, data management, development, and more of your Salesforce organization.

To view the audit history, from Setup, in the Quick Find box, enter View Setup Audit Trail, then select View Setup Audit Trail. To download your org’s complete setup history for the past 180 days, click Download. 

If this information helps, please mark the answer as best. Thank you
there is no trigger / workflow / apex as well
SwethaSwetha (Salesforce Developers) 
Were you able to figure out anything from the audit trail? Another way would be to check debug logs at the time of this issue happening and see which action is causing this to happen. Thx
Audit trial is not solving this issue 
i could not take debug logs, it happened previously