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Kelly BretanKelly Bretan 

. I was working with Zoom on getting the comments field in the Zoom dial pad to link to activity history. This is a closed task, not open activity, but the Salesforce rep was not at a level where they could help. Anyone know how to do this? Thank you

Luca RowleyLuca Rowley


To link the comments field in the Zoom dial pad to activity history in Salesforce, you would typically need to configure this integration through a custom development or an app that connects Zoom with Salesforce.
As this is a specific integration requirement, it may not be directly supported out of the box.

** I give you little general steps you can consider to achieve this integration **

* Identify a Salesforce integration app or platform that supports Zoom integration. 
* Install and configure the chosen integration app or platform within your Salesforce organization. 
* Once the integration is established, you can customize the mapping between Zoom's comments field and Salesforce's activity history.
* Test the integration to ensure that the comments entered in the Zoom dial pad are correctly linked to the activity history records in Salesforce. 
* Train and educate your users on how to utilize the integrated functionality effectively. 
* Provide guidelines on when and how to use the comments field in Zoom to ensure accurate tracking and linkage to Salesforce's activity history.

** Remember to consult the documentation and support resources provided by the chosen integration app or platform for detailed instructions and guidance on configuring the integration between Zoom and Salesforce. **