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Bittu Kumar 59Bittu Kumar 59 

i want to create trigger that can handle sequence of contact on account ,

Create custom field on Contact for "Sequence Number". Create trigger to manage sequence of Contacts on an Account. Handle all the events and cases.

# Re-order sequence number when new records are inserted
# Re-order sequence number when records are updated
# Re-order sequence number when records are deleted
# In case of re-parenting, add record at last position
# In case of undelete, add record at last position

- Create test sheet for all the test cases
- Create test methods for all the test cases, please refer acceptance criteria                                                                                                                                                                                                                      1) Bulk Re-parenting
2) Bulk update sequence number
3) Remove Parent
4) Bulk (Create, Update, Delete, Undelete)
5) update legacy (Existing) records

Test class coverage should be above 95%
SwethaSwetha (Salesforce Developers) 
HI Bittu,
Use the code from to get started

If this information helps, please mark the answer as best. Thank you
Andrew Gillan 30Andrew Gillan 30
Reads like a homework question.  I don't do people's homework.  Best you get cracking.