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Taha HaiderTaha Haider 

Getting this issue can SOMEONE HELP ME PLEASE see the details

I created one custom field in accounts and tranfer it from one org to another org.
FLS and Profile transfer successfully BUT it did not showed on my accounts form,I have to put this field manually from pagelayouts after that it will be showing in accounts form.

In package.xml file


ShirishaShirisha (Salesforce Developers) 


The API name for the System administrator is correct and I would suggest you to check the .xml file for the profile and double check,if it has the access data related to the field or not.

Please mark it as best answer if it helps you to fix the issue.

Thank you!

Shirisha Pathuri
Maharajan CMaharajan C
HI Taha,

You can retrieve that specific pagelayout also for deployment: 

Ex : 
