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Wena KwanWena Kwan 

how to share Office 365 synced calendar

Office 365 calendar is connected to Salesforce with Einstein Activity Capture. A calendar is thus created in Salesforce called Microsoft Office 365. Can I share this calendar with other Salesforce user? I can share My Event with other users but I can't find how I can share Office 365 calendar with other Salesforce users
AbhishekAbhishek (Salesforce Developers) 
As for calendar sync - you can use Salesforce for Outlook to sync just their personal calendars so the information is matching without the need to sync emails, contacts et cetera.
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You can try this ( and similar ( app exchange apps can do this for you. Please take a look at it.

Just an  FYI-
Public Calendars can be shared in Salesforce CRM and Outlook calendars can be shared.

PROBLEM: How can we sync events between a shared Outlook calendar and a shared public Salesforce CRM calendar?

SOLUTION: It can be done using a shared INDIVIDUAL Salesforce CRM calendar on a generic username:

Salesforce CRM setup:
Create a generic username in such as "Corp Calendar"
Log into Salesforce CRM with that username
Share the personal calendar with everyone (Setup | My Personal Info | Calendar... Add (pick group or roles with needed users), Full Access (or o.w. as needed)
Outlook setup:
Create a generic account in Outlook/Exchange
Share the Calendar in Outlook with everyone
Allows users to update the calendar in Outlook and in Salesforce CRM and sync as needed.
This method will expend a Salesforce CRM license, but it will allow sharing and syncing of the public calendar.

Just for reference check the below,

If it helps mark this as the best answer.
Wena KwanWena Kwan
Hi Abhishek, thanks for your reply. Please note that I am using Einstein Activity Capture (EAC) to sync calendar since Salesforce for Outlook is retiring and phasing out starting June 2021. As mentioned, EAC was set up successfully to capture events from Outlook. As per documentation, it’s supposed to pull the outlook events into My Event in Salesforce. But it didn’t. I got an error on My Event, saying “You no longer have access to fields or filters defined in this calendar. Either your Salesforce admin changed your field access or Salesforce user removed your filter.” Can you please teach me how to fix this problem. Once the outlook items are synced into My Events, I should be able to share calendar with my coworkers. Thanks.
Pieter VerstraetePieter Verstraete
Hi Wena, we have the same issue in our org and are looking for a solution to the problem of sharing the Microsoft Office 365 calendars with co-workers after activating EAC. Did you find any solution for this, or have further information on how to handle this?
Aimee RasetaAimee Raseta
Hi Pieter / Wena, we are also trying to find a way for other users to be able see both My Events and Microsoft Office 365 calendars. Please let me know if you found a resolution... Thanks!
Meggan Landis 11Meggan Landis 11
Hi all,
Did any of your find a solution to this? I have been searching endlessly to try to find an answer to this. Thank you!!
Rahul ChouguleRahul Chougule
Did anyone find a solution for this, I have been searching for this too