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Konica Bhateja 9Konica Bhateja 9 

Einstein Dashboard Performance Issue on App page


I am facing performance issue with Einstein Dashboard when opened in an App page, the dashboard that takes 2-3 seconds to load in Analytics Studio takes approximately 12-14 seconds to load inside Einstein Analytics Dashboard component on an App page.

Anyone else is facing same issue? Is there a way to fix this or improve the overall load time of dashboard in an App page, any guidance would be appreciated.
AbhishekAbhishek (Salesforce Developers) 

Please reach salesforce support for Performance issues, they will check in server logs and give your official confirmation.

Even if it is a known issue they will let you know.

I hope this information helps you.
Konica Bhateja 9Konica Bhateja 9
Thanks for the response. But I have already done that, they suggested this is the optimal load time, but I wanted to check if anyone else is also facing similar issue and what they did to resolve it, since same dashboard takes 2-3 seconds of time to load when opened in Analytics Studio, while it takes approximately 11-14 seconds when added on an App page and that page is opened.