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Eugene Eruslanov 3Eugene Eruslanov 3 

Where can I get sample data for Marketing Cloud?

I'm taking the training Develop for Marketing Cloud. The training refers to a lot of examples but in order to see them, I need to import some data and then I'll be able to see sample attributes and how they are connected in Data Designer. Is there a way to get the test data that I can import and play with?
VinayVinay (Salesforce Developers) 
Hi Eugene,

I don't think you would be able to do this in your trail org. 

However, You can reach out to Success - Salesforce Marketing Cloud page on for inputs on your ask.

Ann HetAnn Het
Yes, I also recently needed to get samples, but for a long time I could not find anything. Not advised yet Analysis of Schaeffers New Zealand Style Deck Sealant Ad ( I did everything very easily and quickly, it's good that there are services that help save time.