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niki s 7niki s 7 

Validation rule in lightning message not showing correctly

Hello need one help I have created one validation rule on opp object and printing message as "please select this"  in classic it displaying the message correct but in lightning it's showing &quot please select this &quot
Vishwajeet kumarVishwajeet kumar
Looks like double quote is getting converted into html in Lightning. Not sure if double quote is required for application/use-case, simple solution could be to remove double quotes ("") from message.

ANUTEJANUTEJ (Salesforce Developers) 
Hi Niki,

Can you mention if you are getting any errors as such also can you try implementing it again from scratch in lightning and see if the issue still persists?

Also, if possible can you elaborate on the scenario and implementation you are using so as to check further and respond.

niki s 7niki s 7
Hello guys , thanks for your replies .. I hv remove the double quote