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Saie Shendage 7Saie Shendage 7 

How to get contacts related to specific account on button click?

<aura:component controller="AccountRelatedContacts"
                implements="force:appHostable,flexipage:availableForAllPageTypes,flexipage:availableForRecordHome,force:hasRecordId,forceCommunity:availableForAllPageTypes,force:lightningQuickAction" access="global" >
    <aura:attribute name="PageHeading" type="String" default="Account and Related Contacts" />
    <!--aura:attribute name="accData" type="List"/>
    <aura:attribute name="conData" type="List"/-->
    <aura:attribute name="show" type="boolean" default="false"/>
    <aura:attribute name="AccountContactWrapper" type="AccConWrapper"/>
    <aura:handler name="init" value="{!this}" action="{!c.doinit}" />
    <div class=" slds-page-header slds-text-heading--large slds-align--absolute-center">       
    <div class="slds-section slds-is-open">
        <table class="slds-table slds-table--bordered slds-table--striped slds-table--cell-buffer slds-table--fixed-layout">
                <tr class="slds-text-heading--label">
                    <th scope="col"><div class="slds-truncate" title="Account Name">Account Name</div></th>
                    <th scope="col"><div class="slds-truncate" title="Phone">Phone</div></th>
                <aura:iteration items="{!v.AccountContactWrapper.accountInfoList}" var="row" indexVar="index">
                        <th scope="row">
                            <div class="slds-truncate" >
                                <lightning:input name="accName" disabled="true" value="{!row.accName}"/>
                                <!--a onclick="{!c.showCon}" value="{!row}" data-index="{!index}"-->
                        <td><div class="slds-truncate" title="{!row.Phone}">
                            	<lightning:input name="accPhone" disabled="true" value="{!row.accPhone}"/>
                             	label="View Contacts" value="{!index}" onclick="{!c.showCon}" variant="brand"/>
                        <aura:renderIf isTrue="{!}">
                        	<div class="slds-section slds-is-open">
                            <table class="slds-table slds-table--bordered slds-table--striped slds-table--cell-buffer slds-table--fixed-layout">
                                    <tr class="slds-text-heading--label">
                                        <th scope="col"><div class="slds-truncate" title="Contact Name">Contact Name</div></th>
                                        <th scope="col"><div class="slds-truncate" title="Phone">Phone</div></th>
                                    <aura:iteration items="{!row.relatedContactInfoList}" var="row2">
                                            <th scope="row">
                                                <div class="slds-truncate" title="{!row2.Name}">
                                                    <lightning:input name="conName" disabled="true" value="{!row2.conName}"/>
                                                <div class="slds-truncate" title="{!row2.Phone}">
                                                    <lightning:input name="conPhone" disabled="true" value="{!row2.conPhone}"/>
public class AccConWrapper {
	@AuraEnabled public list<AccountInfo> accountInfoList;
    public class AccountInfo{
        @AuraEnabled public String accName;
        @AuraEnabled public String accPhone;
        @AuraEnabled public list<RelatedContactInfo> relatedContactInfoList;
        @AuraEnabled public Boolean showContacts;
        public AccountInfo(){
    public class RelatedContactInfo{
        @AuraEnabled public String conName;
        @AuraEnabled public String conPhone;
public class AccountRelatedContacts {
    public static AccConWrapper getAccConWrapperList() {
        AccConWrapper ac = new AccConWrapper();
        ac.accountInfoList = new List<AccConWrapper.AccountInfo>();
        for(Account a: [SELECT Id, Name, Phone, (select name,phone from contacts) FROM Account where Id in (Select AccountId from Contact) LIMIT 5])
            AccConWrapper.AccountInfo az = new AccConWrapper.AccountInfo();
            az.accName= a.Name;
            az.accPhone= a.Phone;
            az.relatedContactInfoList = new List<AccConWrapper.RelatedContactInfo> () ;  
            for(Contact c: a.Contacts)
                AccConWrapper.RelatedContactInfo cz = new AccConWrapper.RelatedContactInfo();
                cz.conName= c.Name;
                cz.conPhone= c.Phone;
        return ac;        
//aura component js controller
    doinit : function(component, event, helper) {
        var action = component.get('c.getAccConWrapperList');
        action.setCallback(this, function(response){
            var state = response.getState();
            if(state === "SUCCESS"){
                var allValues = response.getReturnValue();
                console.log("allValues--->>> " + allValues);
                component.set('v.AccountContactWrapper', allValues);
            else if(state === "ERROR") {
                var errors = response.getError();
                    if(errors[0] && errors[0].message){
                        console.log("Error Message: " + errors[0].message);
                    console.log("Unknown Error");
    showCon : function(component, event, helper){
        var AccountContactWrapper = JSON.stringify(component.get("v.AccountContactWrapper"));
        var idx = event.getSource().get("v.value");

User-added imageThis is how my UI looks like. When I click on View Contacts button contacts related to all the accounts get fetched. But I dont want that. I want contacts related to only that account on which button was clicked. Please help me.
PriyaPriya (Salesforce Developers) 

Hi Saie,

Display the account list and on click of the button on each row of the account, pass the account id and fetch the contact associated instead of getting all the contacts.

Please mark as Best Answer so that it can help others in the future.


Priya Ranjan


Saie Shendage 7Saie Shendage 7
Can you please give code suitable for whatever I have done?
Saie Shendage 7Saie Shendage 7
Actually I want contacts to be fetched in the same query of accounts, I don't want to use 2 separate queries.