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Sravan Reddy 137Sravan Reddy 137 

table data is coming in a single line


The below code is giving table data in worng format. when there are 5 rows, first 2 rows are coming correctly and then remaining 3 rows data in a single row. Other part of the code looks correct. Please help here

  for(PG01_POSM_InitiativeProduct2__c posmData : newposmlist ){
                    messageBody +=posmData.PG01_POSM_Product2Id__r.PG01_POSM_Channel__c+'</td><td nowrap>'+posmData.PG01_POSM_Product2Id__r.PG01_POSM_Type__c+'</td><td nowrap>'+posmData.PG01_POSM_Product2Id__r.PG01_POSM_SubType__c+'</td><td nowrap>'+posmData.PG01_POSM_Product2Id__r.PG01_POSM_Size__c+'</td><td nowrap>'+posmData.PG01_POSM_Product2Id__r.PG01_POSM_Artwork__c+'</td></tr>';   

Suraj Tripathi 47Suraj Tripathi 47
Hi Sarvan,

Can you please provide the ScreenShot of the Table which you getting so that will easy to understand what's the problem in it.
Meanwhile, I try to check your code.

Thanks And Regards,
Suraj Tripathi.