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Ferdy Reyes 3Ferdy Reyes 3 

Flow to filter Contact connected to Case by email-to-case

We have a validation rule where a Contact whose custom field does not match matching custom field in Case Contact and Account will be not be linked in Case. For some reason, regardless of the validation rule, Email-To-Case links the Contact and corresponding Person Account to Case as long at it matches SuppliedEmail.

Is there a way to filter the Contact when the Case is created by Email-To-Case? Declarative solution or trigger is welcome.
Best Answer chosen by Ferdy Reyes 3
PriyaPriya (Salesforce Developers) 

Hi Ferdy,

Use case source which is set by email to case to differentiate and determine the contacts linked. 

Please mark it as best answer if the above information helps you.


Priya Ranjan