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Rajendra Prasad 44Rajendra Prasad 44 

cannot connect to UAT sandbox from VS code

 When I try to authorize ORG from vs code. getting this exception
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Suraj Tripathi 47Suraj Tripathi 47

First update the salesforce CLI then again check if still, an error occurred. Then on your project.json page add:-

-sfdcLoginurl: "",
also try this:-
"oauthLocalPort" : 1717

You can also try to authorize through command-line argument on terminal: sfdx force:auth:device:login

Hope this will help you:-

Please mark it as Best Answer if it helps you.

Thanks & Regards
Suraj Tripathi
Rajendra Prasad 44Rajendra Prasad 44

Hi Suraj Tripathi,  thanks for reply,

I have tried but still getting the same issue

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