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custom component search bar

Hello, my client wants to bypass the hierarchy's roles in the global salesforce search (an agent can just see informations of opportunities and accounts created by his manager). Do you have any idea how to do it? Thank you in advance.
ShivankurShivankur (Salesforce Developers) 
Hi Aicha,

Please note of different settings available and shared in below document to configure who sees what data.


Also, check out below guide to get help around search functionality in salesforce:

Hope above information helps. Please mark as Best Answer so that it can help others in future.

Hi Aicha ,

Grant Opportunity and Account as Private OWD and then have owner based sharing rules for agent such that only records owned by managers are visible to them .

Hope it helps .
Thank you for your answer, In fact my client does not want agents to have read access rights for agents(therefore no Sharing rules). He just wants a custom component that allows him to display opportunity rows (which he is not allowed to see) in that component. User-added image