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nileema mohanty 22nileema mohanty 22 

summer 21 release . Allow HSTS preloading registration in domains HSTS Preload List Submission

Hello team ,as per summer 21 I am geting error while clicking on Allow HSTS preloading registration in domains HSTS Preload List Submission.
It is giving error to me 
error: Cannot connect using TLSWe cannot connect to https://domainname  using TLS ("Get https://domainname: dial tcp: lookup on no such host").
SwethaSwetha (Salesforce Developers) 
HI Nileema,
Have you setup Mydomain for your org?

Per the documentation, after enabling the Allow HSTS preloading registration you need to submit your domain on

If this information helps, please mark the answer as best. Thank you
nileema mohanty 22nileema mohanty 22
Hello Swetha ,
I have add a new domain and assigned a valid certficate .
Then clicked on Domain name and Click on Edit button then click  Allow HSTS preloading registrationAllow HSTS preloading registration then 
click on Configure the HTTP Strict Transport Security (HSTS) header so that you can submit the domain to Chrome's HSTS preload list. After this setting is enabled, you must register the domain at so that HTTPS connections are always used.
Then click on th eurl .Give the domain name as I have created .ANd thenclick on Check HSTS PRELODA STATUS AND ELIGIBILITY BUTTON after that i am getting error 
Error: Cannot connect using TLSWe cannot connect to using TLS ("Get dial tcp: lookup on no such host").

SwethaSwetha (Salesforce Developers) 
The error has very limited information over the internet searches. Recommend logging a case with Salesforce Support 

If this information helps, please mark the answer as best. Thank you