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hamza akouayrihamza akouayri 

Valid SOQL query returning zero results in apex class but it return expected results in developer console

I have valid soql query returning zero results in apex class but it return expected results in developer console - FYI i have tried to running both context with sharing and without sharing  still no result. any idea 
@InvocableMethod(label='Get User info')
  public static List<userOutput> getUserLogedInInfo(List<userInput> inputParameters){
    List<userOutput> outputParameters = new List<userOutput>();
    userOutput outputParameter = new userOutput();
    String sEmail = inputParameters[0].sEmail;
    String sContact = null;
    String sUser = null;
    List <User> userList = [SELECT Id, FirstName, LastName, Email,ContactID FROM USER WHERE Email = :sEmail];
    System.debug('###### User####'+userList);
    if (userList.size()>0){
        sContact = userList[0].ContactId;
        System.debug('###### UserId####'+ userList[0].Id);
        List <AuthSession> auth = [SELECT Id, UsersId, IsCurrent FROM AuthSession WHERE IsCurrent = True AND UsersId = : userList[0].Id LIMIT 1];
        System.debug('###### auth####'+auth);        
        if (auth.size()>0){
            System.debug('i am here'+ outputParameter.sLogin);  
            outputParameter.sLogin = True;
    return outputParameters;

AbhinavAbhinav (Salesforce Developers) 
Hi Hamza,

Have you checked suggestion for similar question?

hamza akouayrihamza akouayri
Thanks Abhinav! but the link you suggest didn't help 
andres guevaraandres guevara
Try using

in your test method